This post specifically consists of First Term Lesson Plans for KG1 to Basic 6.
We at constechz with you in mind have put all the necessary efforts to get you files (Samples of Lesson Plans) that are not protected by passwords for easy downloads.
As school resumes, we deem it fit, to make it available to everyone as a reference in planning his or her lesson.
To download the Lesson Plans, Kindly click on the class to download it freely.
Week 1 Lesson Plans
Week 2 & 3 Lesson Plans
Week 4 & 5 Lesson Plans
Week 6 & 7 Lesson Plans
Week 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Lesson Plans
Appreciation: We are grateful to NANA FIIFI ACQUAH for these amazing works.
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Thank you very much. You’ve made my work so easy for me.
Please release the week two come earlier